Unilava has adopted a set of principles for responsible business intended to succinctly express Unilava’s commitment to ethical and legal business practices on a global reach. These principles define a minimum set of ethical standards for all Unilava employees and its subsidiaries worldwide and are meant to reflect cultural differences in international locations. Unilava adheres to strict standards of honesty and conducts business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism. These principles:
Reflect a corporate decision on performance of activities on a global scale
Are relevant to all Unilava employees worldwide
Are approved and managed by Unilava Executive Office
Are reviewed on a regular basis
Unilava is committed to ensure the application of internal management systems and reporting structures to ensure adherence to these principles across our organization.
Unilava respects, values and welcomes diversity in its workforce, its customers, its suppliers and the global marketplace. Unilava will comply with applicable laws and provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity. This applies to all areas of employment. Unilava also provides reasonable accommodation to disabled applicants and employees to enable them to apply for and to perform the essential functions of their jobs.
Unilava will provide a workplace free of sexual harassment as well as harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity. Harassment of employees by managers, co-workers or non-employees will not be tolerated in the workplace.
Unilava is committed to achieving high standards of environmental quality and product safety, and to providing a safe and healthful workplace for our employees, contractors, and communities. We strive to comply with all applicable regulatory requirements as a minimum and implement programs and processes to achieve greater protection, where appropriate. We seek a healthful and safe workplace, free of occupational injury and illness. We strive to conserve natural resources and reduce the environmental burden of waste generation and emissions to the air, water, and land.
Unilava expects its suppliers to comply with applicable laws concerning occupational health, safety and environmental protection, to strive for a workplace free of occupational injuries and illnesses, and to engage in manufacturing that minimizes impact to the environment and the community. We expect suppliers to maintain progressive employment practices that meet or exceed all applicable laws. These include nondiscrimination in employment practices, prohibiting the use of child or forced labor, providing minimum wages, employees’ benefits and work hours. In the event local standards do not exist, suppliers shall nonetheless establish progressive employment practices and shall apply U.S. standards where appropriate.
Unilava will not employ anyone under the age of 16 in any position. Unilava expects its suppliers to comply with this expectation in placing contingent workers on Unilava assignment.
Unilava honors the personal privacy of consumers, customers and employees. Unilava is committed to user privacy in our products and services. We support consumer choice and informed consent.
Unilava will provide a secure business environment for the protection of our employees, product, materials, equipment, systems and information.
Unilava prohibits bribes and kickbacks. Unilava employees may not offer or accept a bribe or a kickback. Bribes and kickbacks are prohibited either directly or through a third party.
Unilava encourages competition, which benefits consumers by prohibiting unreasonable restraints on trade. Unilava competes vigorously while at the same time adhering to both the letter and spirit of antitrust laws.
Unilava is committed to treating our employees fairly and strives to provide them safe jobs and competitive compensation. We encourage our employees to share their ideas, concerns, or suggestions through an environment of cooperation and teamwork. Unilava recognizes that in many of the countries we operate, employees have the right to associate or to not associate with third-party organizations. Unilava respects those rights and is committed to complying with all applicable laws regardless of where we operate.
We are committed both to continuous improvement in our performance and to sharing the knowledge that we gain with our employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, the communities in which we live and work, the scientific community, government and the industry.